Gendering ICT innovations: The case of Nanoelectronics

Título (ingles) Gendering ICT innovations: The case of Nanoelectronics
Temáticas asociadas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones | Género
Año de edición 2012
Autor/es Esther Ruiz Ben
Entidad editora ---
Descripción The main objective of this paper is to develop an exploring approach for the analysis of gendering innovative academic and application areas. As an exemplary case I explore the case of gendering Nanoelectronics. Theoretically I rely on Abbott´s (2005) notion of  'linked ecologies' to conceptualize the institutionalization of innovative academic and application areas. This notion basically involves three components: actors, locations and a relation associating both. As alliance strategies between actors in linked ecologies 'hinges' can operate within different ecologies at the same time, while 'avatars' replicate the ideas and skills of one knowledge area into a new ecology. Secondly I focus on how gendering affects the dynamic of such a 'linked ecology' basing on Yancey Martin´s (2004) claim to emphasize the power dimensión of gender and to conceptualize gender as an institution. On this basis I distinguish three levels of analysis of gendering innovations: Gendering innovation structures (participation and locations of men and women); gendering innovation cultures (gendered images, discourses, meanings and stereotypes in the practice); gendering innovation knowledges (justification of relevance and novelty of particular knowledge areas). In the empirical example of nanoelectronics I concentrate on an exploration of the alliances strategies in the linked ecologies of nanotechnology and nanoelectronics and their gender implications in Germany and the USA as two of the most world important producers of nanotechnology innovations. On this basis I concretize further steps for the empirical application of the suggested theoretical approach.
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