Searching for Women on Boards: An Analysis from the Supply and Demand Perspective

Título (ingles) Searching for Women on Boards: An Analysis from the Supply and Demand Perspective
Temáticas asociadas Empresariado femenino | Organismos | Investigación y ciencia
Año de edición 01/0
Autor/es Patricia Gabaldon, Celia de Anca, Ruth Mateos de Cabo, Ricardo Gimeno
Entidad editora Corporate Governance: An International Review

In general, there is a lack of research that links the efficiency of a solution instrument to the deconstruction of identified barriers. Supply and demand-side structures support the existing literature by building a holistic framework to understand the gaps. This framework provides researchers with a more comprehensive structure that can identify barriers preventing women from reaching the board as well as potential solution instruments and their relative efficacy. It also informs policymakers in creating appropriate public policy instruments to tackle gender equality in leadership positions. For instance, if a mandatory quota is above the supply of female directors, the outcome will be worse than voluntary quotas (Labelle, Francoeur, & Lakhal, 2015). The use of the supply and demand-side perspectives also has important prescriptive implications. Understanding why companies increase the number of WoB is critical to solving this problem; the mechanisms used to promote female representation in the pool of board-member candidates are not necessarily the same as those aimed at eliminating or reducing potential bias in the nomination process. The paper is organized as follows. We first explain the methodology used to select articles and previous literature reviews. In the next two sections, we analyze literature that explores existing barriers for women from both the supply and demand perspectives. The fourth section links previously identified barriers with recent research that identifies instruments to increase the number of WoB from both the supply and demand sides and their efficacy in achieving parity on boards. Finally, we analyze the identified content and methodological gaps in the existing literature and suggest future areas of research. 
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